College Life: Necessary, Tedious, and Lively

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I must say, although I enjoyed my four years of college, I'm a little excited for it to be done. The papers, the exams, the presenation...they're all gradually coming to an end, and while I KNOW I'll miss the people, the environment, and not worry about waking up at 7am to make it to a full-time job...I'm ready for some change.

While not thinking about school, I have my amazing friends to keep me entertained and hyped up! I have three of the best friends in the world, and we practically do almost everything together...we like to refer to ourselves as "The Circus" which is kind of funny. Britt aka "The Riot!" is one of the most enthused, funniest people I've ever met. LC aka "The Covergirl" is your typical cheerleader with a looooooooottttt of spice...a wholesome X rated girl next door if that makes any sense. Digging a! And lastly, Dee Dee aka "The Siren" is the loud, hip, talkative friend! As for me, I'm "The Fuse"...because I've been told I have a short temper, but I find myself to be one of the nicest, caring, intelligent, and attractive person someone could know....Oh, I forgot modest! ;)

But'll hear lots of stories about my life, TicketKing, and "The Circus"(lol) that I'm sure will keep you entertained. Til next time!


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