Summer, Summer, Summer TIME!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
So while listening to Pandora today, I was graced with Will Smith's "Summer Time"...(which yes I'm a SMALL fan of Big Willy's But it only got me excited for this summer!

It took a while for the good weather to get here, but I'm TOO excited to start having a little fun! Besides trying to find a full time job, I'm hoping to relax and have some fun! I already have trips planned for Vegas in July and Chicago in August, so I know I'm going to be able to travel, which I'm excited for!

Plus, I'm going to be doing some local things around the Twin Cities, like hitting up Lake Calhoun, going to some parades, happy hour in downtown and uptown (yum!), and of course LIVING UP THE NIGHT LIFE! I also already have tickets to a few popular concerts this summer including Rihanna and Britney Spears! Man, oh man...this can only get better! BRING OUT THE SUITS!!!


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